Blooddaughter Hardcover

My Bookshelf

Recently I had the opportunity to publish my books in hardcover through Amazon.

I selected two of my books to try this with. The first was Evelyn: Love Fiend in Training. It’s a short book and was a relatively inexpensive experiment. I got the book a few days after ordering it and it came out great. The cover art is imprinted on the hard cover, so no dust cover is involved. I should mention here that I had to redo the cover art because the manufacturing process for hardcover requires a little more border space.

Once I determined the process was worthwhile, I cleaned up The Blooddaughter Trilogy and republished the three-novel set as a single hardcover book. Of course, this meant I had to redo the cover for The Blooddaughter Trilogy as well. My artistic skills improve with time, at least I think so. It makes me look forward to the excuse to make new cover art.

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